Anna-Teresa Tymieniecka
The poetic, epic and tragic genres as the existential coordinates of the human condition
in: The existential coordinates of the human condition, Berlin,
The tenets of Roman Ingarden's aesthetics in a philosophical perspective
in: Phenomenology of life in dialogue between Chinese and occidental philosophy, Deventer,
Tragedy and the completion of freedom
in: The existential coordinates of the human condition, Berlin,

Foundations of morality, human rights, and the human sciences
Phenomenology in a foundational dialogue with the human sciences
Anna-Teresa Tymieniecka, Calvin Schrag (eds)
Dordrecht, Reidel
From Husserl's formulation of the soul—body issue to a new differentiation of human faculties
in: Soul and body in Husserlian phenomenology, Deventer,
Natural spontaneity in the translacing continuity of beingness
in: The phenomenology of man and of the human condition, Dordrecht,
The human being - individual and moral - as the articulating factor of the human sciences
in: Foundations of morality, human rights, and the human sciences, Dordrecht,
The opening address of the salzburg conference
in: Soul and body in Husserlian phenomenology, Deventer,