Algorithmic tumult and the brilliance of Chelsea Manning
pp. 81-89
in: Cecilia Åsberg, Rosi Braidotti (eds), A feminist companion to the posthumanities, Berlin, Springer, 2018Abstract
The term posthuman is sometimes used to denote a supercession of the human by means of multiple kinds of enhancement: with the brain and sensual organs becoming part of a service core providing key emotional, reflexive and phenomenological glue to a more advanced cognitive, immunological and performance-enhanced superstructure. Sleek persons with complex electromagnetic auras perform labour, proceduralise compensatory erotic behaviours, and divine important subatomic truths with a glance of their analytically enhanced irises. In the future they will have gone through so many upgrades that not even their souls have an end-user license agreement to neutrally click “okay” on every time they awake to feel their veins squirted with artisan meta-smoothie.