Discussions in the circle 1927–30
pp. 140-142
in: , Reminiscences of the Vienna circle and the mathematical colloquium, Berlin, Springer, 1994Abstract
Most of what Karl Menger had to say about the discussions within the Vienna Circle was published in his "Introduction" in Hans Hahn, Logic and Mathematics, ed. McGuinness, Dordrecht, 1980, pp. XI-XVII, and "Memories of Moritz Schlick" in Science and Rationality, ed. E. Gadol, Vienna&New York, 1983. There are echoes of what he says there in the sketches given earlier in this volume. There is also discussion of the subject in his "Memories of Kurt Gödel," which is included in this volume. However, it appears that he may have been planning a complete chapter on this subject. We here print the scant material we have found concerning the period before Menger's visit to Poland.