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2813-0448 (Paperback)

2813-043X (Online)


sdvig press

Series Presentation

The East Asian Journal of Philosophy (EAJP) is a platform for theoretical proposals and discussions both within specific philosophical traditions, and across different traditions. As such, the EAJP is open to all schools of philosophical thinking broadly construed, and proposes itself as a place of expression for scholars from any country world-wide.

EAJP’s mission is to challenge all philosophical divides both inter- and intra-culturally – such as Analytic/Continental, Eastern/Western, Western/Non-Western – in the hope to enrich today’s global philosophical thinking. No area, no school, no style of philosophy is excluded. Academic quality is the sole criterion of acceptance for publication.

Articles which put different traditions of thinking in dialogue, thus fostering interdisciplinary as well as cross-cultural exchanges, are welcome. Nevertheless, EAJP also publishes contributions to a particular tradition, provided that they make the material accessible to philosophical readers also from other philosophical traditions. Authors must therefore avoid jargon that is tradition-specific, while favouring a language accessible to a broad readership. One of EAJP’s goals is, indeed, to progressively foster amongst both authors and readers familiarity with and discussion of ideas and theories offered by traditions different from one's own. This, in turn, will help to realize the primary goal of the journal, i.e. to foster the progress of a world-wide cross-cultural philosophical discussion, and of a world-wide shared philosophical consciousness. In other words, EAJP specifically aims at constituting a new authoritative and really global forum of philosophical discussion and scientific exchange.

8 issues

2021Inaugural issue
2022Philosophy of food
2022Philosophy of the city
2022Histories of philosophy in a global perspective
2023The definition of art and the legacy of Joseph Margolis
2024The definition of art and the legacy of Joseph Margolis