
Home > Journal


Charlene Elsby


2813-6020 (Paperback)

2564-0992 (Online)


sdvig press

Facts & policies


ISSN: 2813-6020 (Paperback)2564-0992 (Online)

Periodicity: Continuous

Publisher: sdvig press

Distribution policy & licensing

Publication in open access

Rights holder: Authors

License: CC-BY Creative Commons Attribution

The journal is published online in open access (Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License) by sdvig press (Switzerland). Hard copies of the issues of the journal are distributed by the same publisher. Phenomenological Investigations publishes continuously online and one print volume per year.

Fees policy

Publication fees (APCs): None

Submission fees: None

Evaluation policies & peer review

Peer review:

Papers must be prepared for anonymous review. Papers not prepared for anonymous review will not be read. Submissions must not have been published in part or whole or be under consideration elsewhere. Resubmissions must be declared as such.

New submissions are read by the General Editor for an initial assessment of suitability. Submissions not suitable for the journal can be rejected at this stage without comments. Submissions that fit within the scope of the journal’s focus and meet a minimum standard of quality are sent for review. We ask referees to return reports and recommendations to us within four weeks, and we aim to provide authors with a decision shortly thereafter. If there are serious delays in the review process, authors will be kept informed.

Once referee reports are received, the General Editor makes a decision regarding the submission, taking into account the referee reports. Where the advice is straightforwardly negative, the submission will be rejected. When the advice is uniformly strongly positive, the paper will be considered by the General Editor for a final decision, who may consult with the Editorial Board. In many cases, the advice received from referees is mixed. Such cases are considered for rejection, acceptance, or for revision, on the decision of the General Editor in consultation with the Editorial Board.

Referee comments will be anonymized and sent to authors, unless deemed offensive or marked by the reviewer as confidential advice for the editors. Referee reports are provided by scholars unaffiliated with the journal, and it should not be assumed that the Editorial Board endorses the content of referee reports. The General Editor and Editorial Board reserve the right to disagree with the recommendations of referees.

Decisions communicated to the author are definitive, and correspondence will not be entered into in relation to any submission that is not accepted for publication.

Correspondence: All correspondence concerning submissions and other editorial matters should be sent to:

Authors will be required to sign the standard (CC BY 4.0) copyright licence agreement.

Long-Term Archiving Policy

This journal is archived by the Swiss National Library through its long-term archiving programme e-Helvetica