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Lester Embree

5 Publications

The golden age of phenomenology at the New School for Social Research 1954-1973

Lester Embree, Michael Barber (eds)

Ohio University Press -


This collection focuses on the introduction of phenomenology to the United States by the community of scholars who taught and studied at the New School for Social Research from 1954 through 1973. During those years, Dorion Cairns, Alfred Schutz, and Aron Gurwitsch—all former students of Edmund Husserl—came together in the department of philosophy to establish the first locus of phenomenology scholarship in the country.

Análisis reflexivo

Lester Embree

Zeta Books - Bucharest


La tesis central de Análisis reflexivo es que la fenomenología es un enfoque y no un mero conjunto de textos o conceptos: el hacer fenomenología implica modos de observación y análisis que podemos aprender a usar y a mejorar. El autor presenta su punto de vista paso a paso, recurriendo a ejemplos cotidianos, y se ocupa no sólo del percibir y el pensar (temas privilegiados por la mayoría de los fenomenólogos), sino también del valorar y el querer volitivo.

Political phenomenology

Jung, Lester Embree (eds)

Springer - Berlin


The Schutzian theory of the cultural sciences

Lester Embree

Springer - Berlin


The philosophy of Edmund Husserl

Dorion Cairns

Springer - Berlin


The present volume containing the dissertation of Dorion Cairns is the first part of a comprehensive edition of the philosophical papers of one of the foremost disseminators and interpreters of Husserlian phenomenology in North-America. Based on his intimate knowledge of Husserl's published writings and unpublished manuscripts and on the many conversations and discussions he had with Husserl and Fink during his stay in Freiburg i.

5 Publications