Immanuel Kant
1,872 Publications
1 - 10 >Philosophy as an exercise in exaggeration
the role of circularity in Husserl's criticism of logical psychologism
in: The subject(s) of phenomenology, Berlin,
Ego-splitting and the transcendental subject
Kant's original insight and Husserl's reappraisal
in: The subject(s) of phenomenology, Berlin,
Transcendental anticipation
a reconsideration of Husserl's type and Kant's schemata
Husserl Studies 36 (1)
Vasily Sesemann's theory of knowledge, and its phenomenological relevance
in: Early phenomenology in Central and Eastern Europe, Berlin,
How philosophers in the Czech lands broke ground for the vienna circle
in: The Vienna circle in Czechoslovakia, Berlin,
The problem of the external world in René Descartes, Edmund Husserl, Immanuel Kant and the evil genius
a perennial problem for philosophers?
Dialogue and universalism 30 (1)
Kant and Husserl on the (alleged) function of imagination in perception
The New Yearbook for Phenomenology and Phenomenological Philosophy 17
1,872 Publications
1 - 10 >