Frederick Kersten
5 Publications

The collected works of Aron Gurwitsch (1901–1973) II
Aron Gurwitsch
Springer - Berlin
The second of a planned six volume of Gurwitsch's writings, this volume is a corrected version of a collection he published in 1966. It was intended to complement the English edition of The Field of Consciousness (1964), which is the third volume of these Works in English.

Collected papers IV
Alfred Schütz
Helmut R. Wagner, George Psathas, Frederick Kersten (eds)
Kluwer - Deventer

Ideas pertaining to a pure phenomenology and to a phenomenological philosophy I
Edmund Husserl
Nijhoff - The Hague
The present translation draws upon nearly half a century of Husserl scholarship as well as the many translations into English of other books by Husserl, occasioned by W. R.
5 Publications