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5 Publications

To work at the foundations

EvansRobert Stufflebeam

Kluwer - Deventer


Derrida and phenomenology

Evans (ed)

Springer - Berlin


Strategies of deconstruction


University of Minnesota Press - Minneapolis


Philosophers in exile

Alfred SchützAron Gurwitsch

Richard Grathoff (ed)

Indiana University Press - Bloomington, In


This book presents the remarkable correspondence between Alfred Schutz and Aron Gurwitsch, emigre philosophers influenced by Edmund Husserl, who fled Europe on the eve of World War II and ultimately became seminal figures in the establishment of phenomenology in the United States. Their deep and lasting friendship grew out of their mutual concern with the question of the connections between science and the life-world.

Phenomenology and Marxism

Bernhard Waldenfels, Jan Broekman, Ante Pažanin (eds)

Routledge - London


Originally published in English in 1984, this collection of essays documents a dialogue between phenomenology and Marxism, with the contributors representing a cross-section from the two traditions. The theoretical and historical presuppositions of the phenomenology inaugurated by Husserl are very different from those of the much older Marxist tradition, yet, as these essays show, there are definite points of contact, communication and exchange between the two traditions.

5 Publications