Patricia Werhane
28 Publications
1 - 10 >Building partnerships to create social and economic value at the base of the global development pyramid
in: Systems thinking and moral imagination, Berlin,
Business ethics and the origins of contemporary capitalism
economics and ethics in the work of Adam Smith and Herbert Spencer
in: Systems thinking and moral imagination, Berlin,
Business ethics, organization ethics, and systems ethics for health care
in: Systems thinking and moral imagination, Berlin,
Corporate moral agency and the responsibility to respect human rights in the un guiding principles
do corporations have moral rights?
in: Systems thinking and moral imagination, Berlin,
Employment-at-will, employee rights, and future directions for employment
in: Systems thinking and moral imagination, Berlin,
Freedom, commodification, and the alienation of labor in Adam Smith's wealth of nations
in: Systems thinking and moral imagination, Berlin,
Globalization, mental models and decentering stakeholder approaches
in: Systems thinking and moral imagination, Berlin,
Mental models, moral imagination and systems thinking in the age of globalization
in: Systems thinking and moral imagination, Berlin,
28 Publications
1 - 10 >