Publication details
Year: 2010
Pages: 339-345
Series: Human Studies
Full citation:
, "Postphenomenology, embodiment and technics," Human Studies 33, 2010, pp. 339-345
Don Ihde has published two new volumes, which together form a good introduction to his style of philosophy. Whereas the first volume presents the different aspects of Ihde’s distinctive postphenomenological philosophy of technology and is also meant as introductory, the second volume goes more deeply into some of those aspects, a choice that causes some repetition across the two volumes. Ihde writes easily, but the seeming ease and theoretical unpretentiousness should not mislead the reader, since Ihde definitely takes stances, without, however, engaging in extensive dialogue with other positions. Yet, this lack of debate that the reader may experience does not hinder the fact that Ihde’s way of thinking first and foremost opens intellectual doors to others. One should also keep in mind that these two slim volumes extend the long list of books and publications by Ihde, and that Ihde’s position has stabilized or is—in the Husserlian sense—more or less sedimented within a certain circle...
Cited authors
Publication details
Year: 2010
Pages: 339-345
Series: Human Studies
Full citation:
, "Postphenomenology, embodiment and technics," Human Studies 33, 2010, pp. 339-345