Simone Aurora
Università degli Studi di Padova
Post-doc researcher in philosophy, specialising in Husserl, phenomenology of language, and the history of structuralism. He is editor-in-chief of Acta Structuralica and assistant editor of Metodo. International studies in phenomenology and philosophy.
5 Publications

Phenomenological philosophy of language
Elmar Holenstein
Simone Aurora, Lorenzo Cigana (eds)
sdvig press -
By revealing the "invariants" of Elmar Holenstein's acclaimed contribution to the philosophy of language, the present volume will allow its readers to discover not only a conceptual apparatus that provides effective tools for dealing with contemporary discussions on central issues such as the structure of language, the nature of the sign, the functioning of cognition or the role of perceptual experience, but also a set of original ideas and theoretical proposals that suggest viable solutions to the above-mentioned discussions. All these solutions revolve around a precise philosophical idea or methodological approach, namely phenomenological structuralism, which emerges as a “Gestalt quality” of sorts out of the present collection of papers.

On the transcendental III
Simone Aurora (ed)
In the final remarks of the editorial introduction to the second chapter of this special issue, Andrea Altobrando had announced that Metodo would have continued this thematic series On the transcendental by adding further chapters, whose aim would have been to «contribute to sketch a shared and defined terminology, as well as a conceptually explained background for many philosophical traditions in addition to the phenomenological investigations and discussions». The volume that we are presenting shows that this «promise» was eventually kept.

Filosofia e scienze nel primo Husserl
Simone Aurora
Cleup - Padova
Il volume ricostruisce il processo che ha portato alla nascita della fenomenologia di Husserl, mostrando come essa si inserisca all’interno di una rottura epistemologica di carattere più generale, consistente nell’emergenza di un paradigma scientifico d’impianto strutturalista. La prima parte del lavoro prende in esame il contesto culturale che fa da cornice alla formazione del giovane Husserl; la seconda offre una trattazione puntuale e approfondita delle Ricerche logiche, momento culminante della prima fase del pensiero husserliano.
5 Publications