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Karl Schuhmann

5 Publications

Selected papers on renaissance philosophy and on Thomas Hobbes

Karl Schuhmann

Piet Steenbakkers, Cees Leijenhorst (eds)

Springer - Berlin


-Selected papers on Renaissance philosophy and on Thomas Hobbes offers the best work in these fields by the acclaimed historian of philosophy, Karl Schuhmann (1941-2003), displaying the extraordinary range and depth of his unique scholarship,
-Topics covered include Renaissance philosophy of nature; the development of the notion of time in early modern philosophy; Telesio's concept of space; Hermetic influences on Pico, Patrizi and Hobbes; Hobbes's Short Tract; Spinoza and Hobbes; Hobbes's political philosophy,
-This book brings together, in chronological arrangement, twelve papers. Though these were published before in some form, several were not easily accessible so far,
-All articles have been edited in accordance with the author's wishes, and incorporate his later additions and corrections


Selected papers on phenomenology

Karl Schuhmann

Kluwer - Deventer


Briefwechsel II

Edmund Husserl

Kluwer - Deventer


Briefwechsel VIII

Edmund Husserl

Kluwer - Deventer


Briefwechsel VII

Edmund Husserl

Kluwer - Deventer


5 Publications