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John Sallis

5 Publications

The logos of the sensible world

John Sallis

Richard Rojcewicz (ed)

Indiana University Press - Bloomington, In


This volume of the collected writings of John Sallis presents a two-semester lecture course on Maurice Merleau-Ponty given at Duquesne University from 1970 to 1971. Devoted primarily to a close reading of the French philosopher's magnum opus, Phenomenology of Perception, the course begins with a detailed analysis of The Structure of Behavior.

Elemental discourses

John Sallis

Indiana University Press - Bloomington, In


John Sallis's thought is oriented to two overarching tasks: to bring to light the elemental in nature and to show how the imagination operates at the very center of human experience. He undertakes these tasks by analyzing a broad range of phenomena, including perception, the body, the natural world, art, space, and the cosmos.

Plato's Statesman

John Sallis (ed)

SUNY Press -


The return of nature

John Sallis

Indiana University Press - Bloomington, In


Heidegger und Nietzsche

Heidegger Jahrbuch

Alfred Denker, Marion Heinz, John Sallis (eds)


"Er hat mich kaputt gemacht. " - Das soll Heidegger über Nietzsche gesagt haben.

5 Publications