Friedrich Schlegel
26 Publications
Le jeune Friedrich Schlegel, un démocrate radical ?
Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 100
Ugly and interested art
modernity, freedom and democratization of taste in F. Schlegel
Revista de estud(i)os sobre Fichte 15
El concepto de ironía en la estética de Friedrich Schlegel
contexto y recepción
Daimon Revista Internacional de Filosofia 67
Plato and the German romantic thinkers
Friedrich Schlegel and Friedrich Daniel Ernst Schleiermacher
Graduate Faculty Philosophy Journal 36 (1)
Poética de la subjetividad y filosofía del absoluto
Sobre la recepción del pensamiento de Fichte en el primer romanticismo
Revista de estud(i)os sobre Fichte 9
The aesthetic philosophy of early German romanticism and its early German idealist roots
in: The Palgrave handbook of German idealism, Berlin,
From the metaphysics of the beautiful to the metaphysics of the true
Hölderlin's philosophy in the horizon of poetry
in: The Palgrave handbook of German idealism, Berlin,
Did Schelling misunderstand Fichte's transcendental method?
in: Fichte and transcendental philosophy, Berlin,
Vers une pensée moderne du dialogue F. Schlegel et F.D.E. Schleiermacher
Archives de philosophie 77 (1)
26 Publications