Kasia Szymańska
Trinity College Dublin
Oxford University
Kasia is an assistant professor in the School of Languages, Literatures and Cultural Studies at Trinity College Dublin. She was previously Junior Research Fellow in Modern Languages at University College, Oxford, and co-convenor of the Oxford Comparative Criticism and Translation research centre. Her research lies in literary translation thought, experimental translations, and multilingual poetics — especially with reference to the East European context.
3 Publications

Literature from literature
Edward BalcerzanStanisław Barańczak
Kasia Szymańska, Magda Heydel (eds)
sdvig press -
The following selection of essays by Balcerzan and Barańczak touches upon the poetics of literary translation in many ways, questioning for example its special mode of being, its multiplicity and polyphony, its potentially polemical and dissociative aspect, its relationship with artistic creation, and the possible methods of approaching its literariness and poetic meaning. These essays represent the fruits of their almost life-long quest for answers regarding translation.

Literary metatranslation
Kasia Szymańska
University of Oxford - Oxford
This doctoral thesis introduces the notion of 'literary metatranslation', a self-reflexive literary strategy in which the translator (or a group of translators) exposes the process and act of translation by producing different parallel variants, placing them next to each other as legitimate versions of the original, and presenting them jointly as an artistic work. Pointing to its artistic and ethical relevance, I first identify the gesture of multiplying possible readings of an original text in the contemporary Anglophone context and then discuss it in much more detail in the Polish translation tradition.
3 Publications